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International Nuclear Law Association

The Association shall have as objectives the promotion and pursuit, on an international level, of studies and knowledge of legal issues related to the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy, with a focus on protecting persons, property and the environment.

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International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) Congress 2026


Promotion and pursuit protecting persons, property and the environment.

The Association shall have as objectives the promotion and pursuit, on an international level, of studies and knowledge of legal issues related to the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy, with a focus on protecting persons, property and the environment.

The Statutes of International Nuclear Law Association, a non-profitable international association under Belgian law, were signed in December 1970 in Brussels where it is still based. The Founding General Assembly took place in Basle in 1972 and the first Congress was held in Karlsruhe in September 1973.


International Nuclear Law Association

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Newport, 18-22 October

International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) Congress 2026

Save the date and mark your calendars for the 26th Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, which will take place in Wales from 18 till 22 October 2026.

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International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) Congress 2026

Newport, Wales

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International Nuclear Law Association.

A 25 years story – anniversary publication

Attainment of 25 years of existence is an important milestone in the history of any organization. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, INLA’s French Section has issued a commemorative publication, which was organized by Mr. Jean-Léo David and Mr. Charles Brunengo of France.

The publication provides a short overview and looks back at INLA’s origins, Nuclear Inter Jura congresses (between 1973 and 1997) and Workings of INLA. Texts are available in English and French. We kindly invite you to take a look and join us on this trip down memory lane.

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