Scope of Activities:
Meetings are organised at least once a year to exchange on latest national and international developments with regard to nuclear liability and insurance. Distribution of papers and published articles written by the members.
Organisation of meetings to address cross-cutting issues with other INLA working groups, such as WG5 (Waste Management) and WG7 (Transport).
The WG is conceived as a place for interchange of views and experiences among the different areas and countries. The topics for study and discussion are selected following the proposals of the group members and initiative of the chair and vicechairs.
Nuclear liability is a special third party liability regime adopted by most countries that have developed nuclear power to compensate victims in case of a nuclear accident, based on the principles reflected on the international nuclear liability conventions. The group examines nuclear liability issues from different perspectives, including, but not limited to:
- latest developments related to the international nuclear liability conventions,
- latest developments related to national nuclear liability legislations,
- applying nuclear liability to commercial contracts (whether new build, equipment or services supply, transport…),
- information on nuclear liability insurance coverage,
- outcomes from international workshops or conferences.
The members come from different backgrounds: operators, suppliers, international organisations (governmental or NGOs), private practice, Government, private consultants, academic, insurance sector.
INLA members interested in this topic are welcome to join the group and to actively contribute to our discussions.
Membership information:
The members come from different backgrounds: operators, suppliers, international organisations (governmental or NGOs), private practice, Government, private consultants, academic, insurance sector.
INLA members interested in this topic are welcome to join the group and to actively contribute to our discussions.
North American Region
Mr. William Horin
Rest of the world
Mrs. Ximena Vásquez-Maignan
Mrs. Fiona Geoffroy