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International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) Congress 2024

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About the event

Save the date and mark your calendars for the 25th Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, which will take place in Warsaw, Poland, from Sunday 3 to Thursday 7 November 2024.

This will be the 25th Congress in a series of INLA conferences that have become the leading international event that brings together representatives of government, regulatory authorities, nuclear specialists, legal professionals, academics and others involved in nuclear law. The purpose of the Congress is to promote the study of legal issues associated with the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to encourage the exchange of information in this field.

The Nuclear Inter Jura 2024 Congress will be organized in Poland by International Nuclear Law Association (INLA) jointly and in cooperation with the Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies (DISE Energy).

Lower silesian institute for energy studies (dise)

The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies (, based in Wrocław (Poland), is one of the most important Polish Think Tanks dealing with the issues of energy security and transformation, gas market liberalization, financial management of energy companies and the issues of efficiency of infrastructure projects in the energy sector. DISE is a Foundation joining a group of experienced experts: economic practitioners, managers from the energy and mining industries, as well as representatives of the world of science.

The organization of the Congress by Poland is in line with the objectives of the Strategy and Policy on Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Republic of Poland. Moreover, the Congress will be a particularly important event in the context of preparing national entities and institutions to implement tasks under the Polish Nuclear Power Program (PNPP), as well as tasks and challenges related to the implementation of new technologies in Poland, including small modular reactors (SMRs).

The Congress will be a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas on the performance of those functions at all stages of the nuclear facility life cycle. During the event we will explore new solutions to contemporary challenges and share experiences. It will also be an excellent opportunity to discuss legal and regulatory aspects as regards to new technologies, planned investments, suppliers, local contents, while highlighting the scope of INLA Working Groups’ interests.

Call for papers

Authors are invited to submit in English an abstract of their proposed paper before 30 April 2024. After the closing date, abstracts will only be accepted on an exceptional basis (it does not apply to invited speakers).

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to the INLA Secretariat: and to The preferred format is MS Word.

The abstract should include:
1) the title of the proposed paper;
2) the full name(s) of the author(s), title, professional affiliation, e-mail address & the presenting authors should be identified;
3) one page maximum summarising the content of the proposed paper.

Authors will be informed of the decision regarding acceptance of their papers by 15 May 2024. Finalised papers shall need to be sent to the above addresses by 1 September 2024. While prospective authors are free to propose the subjects of nuclear law of their choice, the final program will assure consideration of topics within the scope of the overall theme of the Congress and each INLA Working Group’s interests.

INLA Working Group

WG 1 – Safety and Regulation

WG 2 – Nuclear Liability and Insurance

WG 3 – International Nuclear Trade/New Build

WG 4 – Radiological Protection

WG 5 – Radioactive Waste Management

WG 6 – Nuclear Security and Non-Proliferation

WG 7 – Nuclear Transport

WG 8 – Nuclear Fusion


Nuclear Inter Jura Congress 2024 is focused on “Nuclear New Build Renaissance: In Search for New Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Challenges”. The examination of topics will consider i.a.:

Day 1 – Polish Nuclear Power Programme and the Way Forward


Session 1 • Opening Session:
Setting the Stage for a Dynamic Congress


  • Mr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz – President, International Nuclear Law Association
  • Mr. Remigiusz Nowakowski – President, DISE – Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies
  • Mr. Andrzej Głowacki – President, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)


  • Mr. William D. Magwood, IV – Director-General, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
  • Ms. Peri Lynne Johnson – Legal Advisor to the IAEA Director General and the Director of the IAEA Office of Legal Affairs, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Ministry Representative – Ministry of Industry / Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland


Session 2:
Charting Poland’s Energy Future: Nuclear Power and National Strategy



  • Mr. Wojciech Jakóbik – Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief,


  • Mr. William D. Magwood, IV – Director-General, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
  • Ms. Sama Bilbao y León – Director General, World Nuclear Association
  • Mr. Andrzej Głowacki – President, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)
  • Mr. Andrzej Ziółkowski – President, Office of Technical Inspection (UDT), Poland
  • Mr. Robert Paprocki – Proxy of the Management Board of PSE S.A. for the Integration of Nuclear Power Plants with the National Power System, Poland
  • Ministry Representative – Ministry of Industry / Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland


Session 3:
Financing Nuclear Power Plants: Challenges and Solutions



  • Mr. Jean-Denis Treillard – Managing Director, ELINI
  • Ms. Ximena Vásquez – Maignan – Counsel, White & Case LLP


We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have been invited to be represented at the Congress, and we look forward to confirming their participation:

  • Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland
  • Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
  • Polish Bank Association (ZBP)
  • European Commission
  • European Investment Bank

The specific individuals representing each institution will be announced as their participation is confirmed.


Session 4:
Building the Future: International Nuclear Trade and New Build



  • Mr. William E. Fork – Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Graham Alty – Partner, Head of Nuclear, Pinsent Masons LLP

Speakers – presentations

  • Ms. Ana Stanič – Director, E&A Law Limited
    Presentation: Review of Existing and Emerging Nuclear New Build Business Models
  • Mr. Tomasz Darowski – Partner, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka Sp.k.
    Mr. Kamil Pociecha – Attorney-at-law, Senior Associate, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka Sp.k.
    Presentation: Strategic Insights into Contracting for Infrastructure Projects and Introducing Nuclear Energy in Legal Landscape of Central Europe
  • Mr. Wojciech Wrochna – Partner, Head of Energy, Infrastructure & Environment Practices Group, Kochański & Partners
    Mr. Bartosz Brzyski – Associate, Energy, Infrastructure & Environment Practices Group, Kochański & Partners
    Presentation: The role of nuclear power in the new EU energy market design
  • Ms. Kelly Stricklin-Coutinho – Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers; Mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR)
    Presentation: Mediation and ADR in Nuclear Disputes
  • Mr. Graham Alty – Partner, Head of Nuclear, Pinsent Masons LLP
    Presentation: Contractual and Funding Structures for Large Scale Reactors and SMR

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.


Session 5:
Safeguarding the Future: Nuclear Security and Non-Proliferation



  • Ms. Madalina Man – Legislative and Regulatory Specialist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Jonathan Herbach – Co-Secretary, Working Group 6 on Nuclear Security and Non-Proliferation, INLA

Speakers – presentations

  • Ms. Pegah Eftekhari – CBRN Security and Nonproliferation Analyst, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    Presentation: Nuclear Security and Incorporating SeBD in Procurement Processes
  • Ms. Paulina Giżowska – Deputy Directory, Nuclear Safety and Security Department, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)
    Presentation: Establishing Robust Nuclear Security Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for New Nuclear Power Programmes that Stand the Test of Time
  • Ms. Cristina Dominguez – Head, Legal Department, Argentinian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (tbc)
    Presentation: Unveiling the Nexus of Legal Ramifications and Nuclear Forensics: A Case Study on Sabotage in a Nuclear Facility
  • Ms. Madalina Man – Legislative and Regulatory Specialist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    Presentation: Why Security Matters: Framing the Debate Around Nuclear Security in the Advent of Advanced Reactors’ Deployments
  • Ms. Elif Aksoy – Co-Secretary, Working Group 6 on Nuclear Security and Non-Proliferation, INLA
    Presentations: Speaker: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Efforts for Emerging Nuclear Technologies: Importance of International Cooperation and Compliance.
  • Mr. Frederic Morris – Legal Expert on Nuclear Security and Safeguards, Retired (discussion participant; tbc)

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.

Day 2 – Legal Challenges and Regulatory Effectiveness – New Approaches


Session 6:
New Approaches to Legal Challenges and Regulatory Effectiveness



  • Mr. Andrzej Głowacki – President, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Jacek Łatka – Attorney-at-law, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)


  • Mr. Ramzi Jammal – Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, Canadian Safety Nuclear Commission (CNSC)
  • Ms. Marta Žiaková – Chairperson, Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚJD)
  • Mr. Christopher T. Hanson (tbc) – Chair, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC)
  • Mr. Petteri Tiippana – Director General, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), Finland


Session 7:
Navigating the Evolving Landscape: Safety and Regulation in the Nuclear Industry



  • Mr. Ian Salter – Partner, Burges Salmon LLP, UK

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Ray Kuyler – Deputy General Counsel, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (tbc)

Speakers – presentations

  • Mr. Kamil Adamczyk – Expert for Regulations, PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa S.A.
    Presentation: Legislation to Accelerate Implementation of Nuclear New-Build Programme. The Case of Poland
  • Mr. Guan Schaiko – Partner, Stibbe Law Firm
    Ms. Ellen Vandensande – Policy advisor to the Belgian Minister of the Interior
    Presentation: Environmental Impact Assessments with Regard to Decommissioning: Analysis of Existing Frameworks and Recommendations for Improving the Effectiveness
  • Mr. prof. Jakub Handrlica – Vice-Dean for Postgraduate Studies, Law Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    Presentation: Nuclear-powered Spacecrafts – Nuclear Law and the New Space Era

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics and pose the question: What, if any, are the main opportunities and challenges for streamlining regulation around the world to allow more efficient and cost-effective licensing of new nuclear projects in multiple jurisdictions while maintaining high standards of safety, security and environmental protection, and ensuring public confidence?

Speakers – discussion

  • Mr. Ian Salter (moderator) – Partner, Burges Salmon LLP, UK
  • Ms. Lisa Thiele – Vice-President, Legal and Commission Affairs & Senior General Counsel, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
  • Mr. Anthony Wetherall – Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Mr. Ray Kuyler – Deputy General Counsel, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (tbc)
  • Mr. Łukasz Młynarkiewicz – President, International Nuclear Law Association


Session 8:
Balancing Responsibility and Risk: Nuclear Liability and Insurance



  • Ms. Ximena Vásquez – Maignan – Counsel, White & Case LLP, France
  • Mr. William Horin – President, INLA USA

Session Secretary

  • Ms. Fiona Geoffroy – Senior Legal Advisor, EDF SA

Speakers – presentations

  • Ms. Elena de Boisssieu – Legal Advisor, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
    Presentation: The Reciprocity Principle in Nuclear Liability Conventions
  • Ms. Fiona Geoffroy – Senior Legal Advisor, EDF SA
    Presentation: When is reciprocity really reciprocal?
  • Ms. Patrycja Nowakowska – Attorney-at-law, Senior Associate, Kubas, Kos, Gałkowski – Adwokaci Sp. k.
    Presentation: Nuclear Damage Claims Regulation in Poland: Analysis and Diagnosis
  • Mr. Paweł Grzejszczak – Attorney-at-law, Partner, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka Sp.k.
    Presentation: Nuclear liability regime applicable to Polish nuclear projects
  • Ms. Denise Cheong – Head of Energy Law and Policy, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
    Ms. Nivedita S – Research Fellow, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
    Presentation: From Oil to Nuclear: Developing Nuclear Compensation Systems through a Values Lens

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.


Session 9:
Securing the Supply Chain: Regulatory Frameworks for Nuclear Transport



  • Mr. Khalil Bukhari – General Counsel, Newcleo Ltd, UK

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Jean-Denis Treillard – Managing Director, ELINI

Speakers – presentations

  • Ms. Evelyne Ameye – Founding Partner, EA Law
    Presentation: Liability for Nuclear Transport: A Pragmatic Case Study Approach
  • Mr. Christian Raetzke – Founding Partner, CONLAR
    Presentation: Defining the Territorial Scope of Liability Conventions for Transport of Nuclear Substances
  • Mr. Marc Fialkoff – Regulatory Specialist, Nuclear Nonproliferation Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Mr. Jason Karcz – Nuclear Security Research Assistant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Presentation: Capture the Flag: Flag State Jurisdiction and Nuclear Security for Floating Nuclear Power Plants
  • Ms. Elena de Boisssieu – Legal Advisor, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
    Prsentation: Transport of radioactive waste and nuclear liability conventions: Are small quantities excluded?

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.


Session 10:
Ensuring Legal Compliance: Waste Management & Radiation Protection



  • Ms. Nuria Prieto Serrano – Senior Technician, Dept. International Cooperation and R&D, ENRESA
  • Mr. Mark Sanders – Sanders Engineering, USA

Speakers – presentations

  • Mr. Stephen Tromans KC – King’s Counsel, 39 Essex Chambers, UK
    Presentation: The Voluntary Route to a Geological Disposal Facility
  • Ms. Godelieve Vandeputte – Head of Legal, Synatom, Electrabel SA, Belgium
    Ms. Valérie Duchesne – Head of Legal, RES & Nuclear, Electrabel SA, Belgium
    Presentation: The agreement between the Belgian Government and the Group Engie for the prolongation of the lifetime of the nuclear power plants of Doel 4 and Tihange 3
  • Mr. Fumito Tomooka – Professor at Nihon University College of Law, Head of Researchers at Japan Energy Law Institute
    Presentation: The Progress and Emerging Issues on Geological Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Wastes in Japan
  • Mr. Mark C. Sanders – Sanders Engineering, USA
    Ms. Charlotta E. Sanders – Associate Research Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    Presentation: When Armies March – Radiological Protection During a Time of War
  • Ms. Lorraine Chiwenga – Doctoral Candidate, University of Stirling
    Presentation: Nuclear New Build Renaissance, Decommissioning and Radiological Protection in the United Kingdom
  • Ms. Nuria Prieto Serrano – Senior Technician, Dept. International Cooperation and R&D, ENRESA
    Presentation: SMR and AMR Radioactive Waste: A Comparative Legal Analysis

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.

Day 3 – Advanced Nuclear Technologies – Short- and Long-term Perspective


Session 11:
From Vision to Reality: Vendors’ Panel Discussion on Implementing Advanced Nuclear Technologies



  • Ms. Laetitia Cash – Founder,

Speakers – presentations

  • Mr. Robert K. Temple – General Counsel, NuScale Power, LLC
    Presentation: Planning and Contracting for Small Modular Reactor Deployment

We are actively engaging with prominent vendors in the Advanced Nuclear Technology (ANT) sector to explore their participation in the Congress. These include companies such as:

  • GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
  • Rolls-Royce SMR
  • Westinghouse Electric Company
  • EDF
  • Newcleo
  • NuScale Power

The specific individuals representing each vendor will be announced as their participation is confirmed. Representatives from other leading vendors and stakeholders in the ANT ecosystem may also be included.


Session 12:
Bridging the Gaps: A Regulatory Panel on Standardization of Regulatory Frameworks for Advanced Nuclear Technologies




  • Ms. Iga Pocztarek – Tofil – Director, Policy and International Cooperation Bureau, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Dominik Rauchut – Chief Specialist, Advanced Nuclear Reactor Assessment Division, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)


We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have been invited to be represented at the Congress, and we look forward to confirming their participation:

  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
  • United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC)
  • State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB), Czech Republic
  • Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland (STUK)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The specific individuals representing each institution will be announced as their participation is confirmed.


Session 13:
The International and European Legal Framework for the Development of ANT Projects



  • Ms. Ximena Vásquez – Maignan – Counsel, White & Case LLP, France
  • Mr. William Horin – President, INLA USA

Session Secretary

  • Ms. Fiona Geoffroy – Senior Legal Advisor, EDF SA

Speakers – presentations

  • Ms. Elena de Boisssieu – Legal Advisor, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
    Presentation: The Reciprocity Principle in Nuclear Liability Conventions
  • Ms. Fiona Geoffroy – Senior Legal Advisor, EDF SA
    Presentation: When is reciprocity really reciprocal?
  • Ms. Patrycja Nowakowska – Attorney-at-law, Senior Associate, Kubas, Kos, Gałkowski – Adwokaci Sp. k.
    Presentation: Nuclear Damage Claims Regulation in Poland: Analysis and Diagnosis
  • Mr. Paweł Grzejszczak – Attorney-at-law, Partner, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka Sp.k.
    Presentation: Nuclear liability regime applicable to Polish nuclear projects
  • Ms. Denise Cheong – Head of Energy Law and Policy, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
    Ms. Nivedita S – Research Fellow, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
    Presentation: From Oil to Nuclear: Developing Nuclear Compensation Systems through a Values Lens

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.


Session 14:
Panel Discussion: Legal Challenges in Implementing Advanced Nuclear Technologies



  • Ms. Beata Sparażyńska – Counsel, Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland
  • Mr. Jarosław Lenarczyk – Attorney-at-law, Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland


  • Ms. Kimberly Sexton Nick – Head, Division of Nuclear Law, Nuclear Energy Agency OECD
    Introductory presentation: Environmental Assessments and Public Participation in Licensing Advanced Nuclear Technologies
  • Mr. Rafał Gawin – President, Energy Regulatory Office (URE), Poland
  • Mr. Zbigniew Stasiak – Counsel, Clyde Krasnodębski Kulińska i Wspólnicy sp. k.
  • Mr. Anthony Wetherall – Head, Nuclear and Treaty Law Section, Office of Legal Affairs, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


Session 15:
Legal Frameworks for Nuclear Fusion



  • Mr. Karoly Tamas Olajos – Group Leader – ITER Site & Buildings Legal Affairs, Fusion for Energy

Session Secretary

  • Mr. Philipp Sauter – Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Speakers – presentations

  • Mr. Karoly Tamas Olajos – Group Leader – ITER Site & Buildings Legal Affairs, Fusion for Energy
    Presentation: Towards a Global Fusion Ecosystem – A Supply Chain Perspective
  • Mr. Manuel Torres – Legal Specialist, Fusion for Energy
    Presentation: Spain’s Fusion Journey: Insights and the Dones Project
  • Ms. Kristin Weiss – Research Fellow, University of Würzburg
    Presentation: Comparing the Regulatory Framework Applicable to Fusion Power Plants Under German and US Law
  • Mr. Philipp Sauter – Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
    Presentation: European Law and Fusion – Challenges and Opportunities to Harmonize Fusion Regulation in the EU
  • Mr. Wolfram Tonhauser – Visiting Professor / Chairperson, National University of Singapore / FELEX
    Presentation: International Group of Legal Experts on Fusion Energy (FELEX)

Following the presentations, a panel discussion will allow for further exploration of the key topics.


Gala Dinner

  • Venue: Crowne Plaza® Warsaw – The HUB
  • Located at: Rondo Daszyńskiego 2, 00-843 Warsaw
Day 4 – Boosting Local Content and Supplier Development


Session 16:
Unlocking Potential: Boosting Local Content and Supplier Development in the Nuclear Supply Chain



  • Mr. Bogdan Pilch – Director General, Chamber of Commerce for Energy and Environmental Protection, Poland


  • Mr. Andrzej Ziółkowski (tbc) – President, Office of Technical Inspection (UDT), Poland
  • Mr. Paweł Śliwowski (tbc) – Deputy Director of the Polish Economic Institute, Acting Director
  • Mr. Cezary Kaźmierczak (tbc) – President, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, Poland
  • Mr. Andrzej Sidło – Councellor to the Minister, Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland


Session 17:
Ensuring Nuclear Safety: Addressing Quality Assurance & Accreditation Challenges for Suppliers



  • Mr. Paweł Smoliński – Director, Innovation and Development Department, Office of Technical Inspection (UDT), Poland


  • Mr. Marcin Dąbrowski – Director, Nuclear Safety and Security Department, National Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Poland (PAA)
  • Mr. Paweł Pytlarczyk – Director, Nuclear Energy Department, Ministry of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland

Stay tuned for further announcements! Additional distinguished speakers will be confirmed soon.


Concluding remarks


INLA General Assembly