About the event
Save the date and mark your calendars for the 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, which will take place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), from Sunday 4 to Thursday 8 November 2018. This will be the 23rd congress in a series of INLA conferences that have become the leading international event for legal professionals, academics and specialists involved in nuclear law.
Congress members and participants will be witness to history in the making as the UAE prepares to complete the first nuclear power generation plant in the Middle East. The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) is leading the development of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program to support the country’s social and economic growth. The Barakah nuclear energy power plant is located in the Western Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on the Arabian Gulf, approximately 50 km west of the city of Ruwais. The project is an important part of the UAE’s plan to diversify its energy sources and provide clean and efficient energy to homes, businesses and government facilities while reducing the country’s carbon footprint.
The theme of the Congress will be
International Cooperation in Nuclear – Sustainability, Excellence & Innovation
The theme of the Congress is intended to encourage delegates and participants in the pursuit on an international level of legal studies and knowledge pertaining to issues related to the peaceful utilisation of nuclear energy with a focus on the Middle-East, Africa and emerging nations.
We sincerely hope to make that this Congress a successful and insightful gathering of professionals sharing a common vision and who are interested in furthering the benefit of law, political studies and science.

Nuclear Inter Jura ’18 Congress
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Proceedings of the 23th Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, INLA, held in Abu Dhabi (UAE) from 4 to 8 November 2018